Major Lazer Soundsystem


Since 2018 we have been bringing an iconic stage experience to Parklife Festival in the form of The Valley,

The Valley towers above the tens of thousands of people stood among the crowd - it stands 30 metres high and spans 100 metres wide. A temporary skyline appears, influenced by brutalist architecture and dystopian film, Lucid designed, created and built an immersive set with fully integrated video content and lighting. It is a life-size tower block complex linked by a footbridge running over the stage and flanked by shops with teasing references to dystopian fiction. 

Lucid designed and created every inch of the set. From developing an eight layer process to turn ply flats into hyper-realistic aged concrete, to designing and making over 50 illuminated shop signs by vinyl printing and CNC machine. Each of the hundreds of windows within in the block is a LED screen, whilst enormous billboard screens beam out dystopian public service announcements and each balcony is picked out using fully programmable LED detail. Whilst The Valley is huge in scale, every last detail of the 100m wide installation has been carefully considered and painstakingly crafted.

“The Valley Stage had scale, narrative backstory and massive amounts of expansion potential which went down very well with our audience and acts. It has most firmly established itself within Parklife Festival.”
— Jon Drape, Parklife Festival

Parklife 2021
Honey Dijon